Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Technology Helps Students Create Artifacts

Students learning within the constructionist theory are constructing their own theory within the reality of the topic mixed in with their own beliefs. This way of learning is by far one of my favorites because it allows the children to explore by themselves, become fully engaged and create a finished project. This process of learning can be intensified with the use of technology. Technology help children not only "gather the data but also interpret the data" (Pitler,Hubbell, Kuhn, & Malenoski.)

In order for students to be able to gain a meaningful lesson from this process of creating their own artifact, teachers must have students generate and test their hypotheses through one of the following; "system analysis, problem solving, historical investigation, invention, and/ or decision making"(Pitler, Hubbell, Kuhn,& Malenoski.) The more hypotheses the student experience, the more they will learn from the experience. In addition, tools that are very beneficial with the integration of technology are Spread Sheets and Data Collection Tools. Both of these tools help the students interpret the data instead of simply gathering.

One example of a lesson that can be used in the constructionist theory with technology is one I thought of while brainstorming during my reading. The lesson would be on Latin America's Impact on the United States and students will be asked to create a PowerPoint which focuses on their assigned country's contribution to the United States. Within this lesson students will be given the opportunity to use an interactive data collection box to interpret the amount of impact the country had to The United States compared to other contributions. Overall, this lesson will support the constructionist theory with the use of technology.


  1. Veronica,

    I like your idea of having students create PowerPoints about countries' impacts on the United States. This is a great example of using technology, generating and testing hypothesis and using the constructionist/constructivist theories on learning. This also gives me some ideas on how I can use generating and testing hypothesis in my own Spanish classroom with my students. I will do something similar in having my students take a look at Spanish-speaking countries and present information on either their impact on the United States or some other concept I present to them.

    Great Idea!


  2. I will definitely be sharing your ideas of the powerpoints on countries and how they effect the US with my social studies team-mate. He is not very technology oriented, but the students are so advanced in using the powerpoints that I think he will just need to moderate their time and he will end up with some great project-based products. I will also be using more technology with my science fair projects this year, with so many labs it definitely has my students eager to begin at the end of February. The products are increasingly complex, but the students are learning so much also. Don't you agree? That long term memory goal is our ultimate goal as teachers.

  3. Marie,
    I am soooooo glad you were able to think of an idea off of mine. The greatest feature of technology for teachers is the ability to use it for new ideas and feedback through this wonderful world of blogging! I think using powerpoints with the essential question connecting the USA to Spanish speaking countries will work perfectly!

    Good Luck!

  4. Jpelton,

    You brought up a great point, "our goal as teachers is to create a long term memory of the lesson for our students." Therefore, encouraging your team teacher to use power point in his history class is a great way to help students remember what they learned because they will be creating it themselves. In addition, your team teacher will learn from his technology natives. Regarding your comment about the complex lessons you have been doing with your students, I can relate. Teaching science , even in fifth grade, can get complex because of all the wonderful experiments. Sometimes it can take a lot with all the setting up, but it is worth it because it is what helps the students remember when they are actively engaged. Great point!


  5. You hit the nail on the head, the students are able to explore information for themselves and develop their own understanding of the topic. I think that there are not enough teachers who allow them to do this first before throwing the information that we want them to soak in. Using PowerPoint presentations work great in allowing the students to be as creative as they want when they present their information. It gives them a way to be as creative as they want.

  6. I enjoy projects where students are in control of one aspect of something much bigger. This allows students an opportunity to go in-depth with one topic and still be able to view and learn from many more. I use this strategy when students are to create a business in a foreign country (each country has to be different for each student) and when we are learning about racism and discrimination (each student is given a different hate-crime that they create a presentation for). The students are actively engaged and enjoy hearing about similar, yet different, topics.

  7. Good emphasis made on the importance of students creating artifacts to test their prior knowledge and have them build on thier understanding of the concept being taught. Web resources and gaming software, in the form of interactive spplets and simulations, all students to use background knowledge, make decisions, and see the outcome of their hypotheses (Pitler, Hubbell, Kuhn,& Malenoski, p. 212). I will often have students create KWL charts to go along with our science lesson and at the end of each chapter, we discess what students gained and cleared up and what is still is not understood. I am sure your students will enjoy creating Power Points to show their understanding of Latin America's Impact on the United States. I am doing a similiar lesson where students are creating Power Points to display their understanding of their biographies and to teach the rest of the class important details about their character. I think students are more engaged when their peers are presenting their information in a variety of ways compared to the teacher doing the teaching.

  8. Mr.Henry,Jaghoz and Michelle:

    Thank you so much for not only supporting my idea of using powerpoint to put together what they know and learn but also encouraging me to do more of this type of instruction. Now more than ever I am looking forward to guiding the students to create more lessons with the use of tools such as powerpoints!

