Saturday, March 13, 2010

Every Research Project needs a Problem Statement

Problem Statement:

I plan to determine the impact of read aloud programs between fifth grade students who are exposed to interactive read aloud programs and students who read aloud independently in order to reach a higher reading level/ benchmark. 

Reason: As a fifth grade teacher who just completed 32 running records, I have noticed that the number one reason why students are not moving up levels is because of fluency. Now it is my job to find out the best way to assist my student's fluency by using their time wisely.


  1. Sounds like a great way to get your kids reading. I am very curious to know the outcome. Keep us updated.

  2. Great idea! I too will be curious to know the outcome. I know my seventh graders hate to read, this may be something that I try!

  3. Erika and Mike I will keep you updated of each step and result!I am sure it will increase their stamina to read as well as fluency.

    Thank you

  4. Veronica,

    Great idea!! It will be interesting to see the outcome. One suggestion I have for the statement is to add something with the word impact. What impact are you researching? Positive impact or negative impact? Or both? Perhaps you could include that, too, in your problem statement and whether it is comprehension or achievement you are looking for? I hope I am making sense.

    Take care and good luck!

    Marie Gauthier

  5. I see this in my own classroom and the students that struggle with our reading fluency test I highly suggest read aloud more often to family and each other. I look forward to what you have to offer!
